Friday, 5 September 2008

Moment of Truth

Life is like a journey, with a definite beginning and a final end. Start small, think big. Don't be paralyzed by forces you cannot control. Think about the solution, not the problem.

Sometimes you fail. Learn from the experience. Always be curious. Always experiment. Bo beyond the limits. Eventually you will succeed. And if you don't, be happy! At least you tried everything you could. Make good friend. Do not fade away.

Most important thing in life is friends. Friends you can trust, respect and laugh with. Be positive. Avoid negativity. Lift yourself up at the scuff of your neck when you feel down.

Talk to people. Find new angles. Don't be afraid to be corrected. There are no absolute truths, only ways to look at things.

Its not about being the best. Perfect does not exist. Only better... Don't compare yourself to others. Try to be yourself. Don't imitate. Just create, improvise... put yourself out there. How else can you learn?

There will always be somebody richer than you, better than you. Always! So if you have reached the top. Then what? Its not a competition. It's a never ending story. Life is such a beautiful thing and its our only chance to live here and now. And if reincarnation exist... so what? You will not remember what you were or did in your past lives anyways.

Be gentle. Be kind to people. Return a smile or a greeting. It will get back to you. Not through the actions of others but just the mere fact that you opened up. By doing this... you will be liked and you will like others.

We have all had bad days and we always will. This is fact of life. Live with it. Its all about perception.

Moment of Truth...

Bankok, August 2008, Fraser Suites, 36th floor. Fantastic view.

Live it beautiful :)

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