This is much harder that some people tend to think. It usually takes only a few seconds to decide whether you like a site/UI or not. What are the factors?
Look (colors, fonts, size, and layout) and Feel (does it do what I expect it to do)
The Look and Feel should be covered by the interaction/graphical designer.
Speed (it should load fast, its that simple)
Ajax has helped tremendously to speed up various aspects of a web site. There is usually no need to refresh the whole page as we only work with smaller areas of a page such as:
- updating a table and showing a summary
- loading and hiding/showing an article
- store a poll result and then displaying a result in a tooltip window
- Knowledge of some kind of Ajax framework (there are quite a few out there)
- Javascript and the IFrame tag (if you want to do it yourself)
A comparison of some of the good ones out there can be found here -
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