Thursday, 22 February 2007

The Boss

So we have all had them one or another time. The Boss. We either hate them or love them. Here are am listing two, I think, extremes that I have come across..

Which one are you and why do you think?
  • The evangelistic motivator
  • The Brutal enforcer
From a tactical point of view they both gets things done. But strategically, how does it all pan out?

The Brutal enforcer with his super pragmatic no-nonsense attribute does not stimulate to do things because you want to but because you have to. Its all about governance by fear. In the long run this personality trait will never succeed because people will be worn out. Fear of speaking ones mind, fear of making a mistake or appear less skillfull totally violates the idea of collecting feedback which it so important in order to successfully run a business. The Brutal enforcer is creating rules for anything and everything. He is the killer of creativity. He is never happy and rarely complements on a good work done. Luckily there are not to many of these people in leading positions very long or if own the company you are working for you smoothly switch to a new department/company real soon :)

The Evangelistic motivator is on the complete different side of things. He is there but not there at the same time. He is leading by example. The way he teaches is not to say DO THIS, but stimulates learning by asking things like WHAT IF and HOW COME? Basically this personal is interested in things outside the problem domain you are working in. He is interested in you. He puts people in the center and allows for synergies to happen by gently presenting the vision or goal and not enforcing anything. He trust that the people he has hired are up to the Job as they all passed the interviews they had to go through. Unfortunately there are not to many of these people available as this skill is very difficult to obtain. This is something part innate and part trained.

Even though the work must be done it cannot be done on the basis on governance by fear. The system will eventually break down.

It is so important to have good personal skills. You need a great EQ in order to motivate and stimulate people to do things. This way you create synergies by getting so much more that just the work done.

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